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Tours of the Farm

Tour of My Farm, TTIE_2 $20.00 Out of stock

TOURS of the Farm

For tours, please contact ahead before ordering. Depending upon the demand, four different times will be available starting in August. It will correspond to the fruit ripening to allow for taste testing as well as the how to grow the many species of plants that I have employed at my farm in a type of edible landscaping. My repository includes over a thousand different types of trees of roughly 500 species from around the world in a sort of global ecology. The focus is on healthy fruits without spray and wild forms of many cultivated plants from around the world. 

Tour of My Farm Per Person $20.00   2 hours. Includes sampling fruit in season.  Walking tour led by Ken Asmus.  Wear appropriate foot wear and long pants. There is few mowed areas but there are trails. This is a guided tour to help others replicate my plantings as well as enjoy different flavors not found today in both wild and cultivated agriculture. It will allow you to save some of the seeds as well for growing at home in the process.  

No shipping is charged. Tax is included in the price. A limit is put on only ten people per tour. Thank you for your interest and consideration. Looking forward to meeting you and having tea and coffee in the barn after the walk. Enjoy. Ken Asmus